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Thank You Doctor": the border between medical drama and truth?

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A long time ago, I heard that there was such a medical drama to be made, directed by the Health Care Commission, with the original novel, the script was also reviewed and reviewed, I would have some expectations.

I wonder, can we really make a good medical drama? As we all know, everyone has interacted with doctors, we don't actively mention old age, sickness and death, but they exist all around us.

Those who have left have left and those who have left behind are grieving.

If I were to look at it, I would have to be very cautious about using a TV series to show the subject of medical care, because it is real, the stories of doctors and nurses and patients and patients' families that happen around us every minute of every day. On the other hand, it also bears the responsibility of understanding and restoring the public's understanding of the medical profession, what doctors are like, how they would talk, how they do things, and what a doctor's day is like. In the gradual understanding, my worries seemed to drop a little.

① This drama is the original novel, the author is a medical student. This way, in the script details and plot plausibility above, at least there is a guarantee, insiders and outsiders, a look at it.

② This drama is the National Health Commission guidance production, equivalent to another layer of protection, this drama at least in the restoration of the degree of above, do not worry.

③ From the current preview and the first 3 episodes, the pace is still very reasonable, the actors' emotions are given in place, white coats, buttons, chest pens are more relevant to reality.

And what is different from the previous dramas, I think, is the focus on the EICU (Emergency Intensive Care Unit), and a line that I like very much: "We are not only facing injuries and illnesses, but also the people behind the injuries and illnesses." Very often, doctors are a guardian wall between injuries and patients, and will see the sadness and happiness of many people. TAs project their wishes onto the doctor's body, tears, joy, sadness, anger, and these emotions come from the reluctance to give up on life.

But very often, doctors are just ordinary people, there will be irrevocable people and things. Having said all this, it seems heavy. But what I want to express is for the relationship between health care and patients. It is complex and heavy, how to interpret the medical and human nature. I think this drama also has some reflections on medicine, which is also very rare and valuable.

"The only thing we should consider is the condition."

"In this case, we should respect the patient's wishes."

I was impressed by this drama, and the scene where the female lead wipes away the tears of a little girl is really touching. Maybe this is what "Thank You Doctor" wants to explore, about medical emotions and humanistic care. More words will be left for viewers to discover. CCTV8 every night at 7:30, worth watching.

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